Binding Sites and Reactivity
The monoclonal antibody A69 reacts with the AAV capsid proteins VP1/VP2. This antibody was raised against the AAV2 capsid proteins and is suitable for application in western blot analysis due to their reactivity with linear epitopes present in the dentaured protein sequence.
Epitope mapping experiments (Wobus et al., 2000) identified aa171 to aa182 (C-terminus;) as the specific binding region for the monoclonal A69 antibody. PROGEN's antibodies are useful for the characterization of different stages of AAV infection, the determination of the presence and identity of VP1/VP2 protein as well as the analysis of expression levels and ratios during vector production.
A69 reacts with VP1 and V 2 of adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) which are highly enriched in the nucleus.